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Mind Body Medicine

mind"ARE YOU SEARCHING HOW TO WIN YOR LIFE THEN WELLNESS IS A SOLUTION." In this fast paced world, we should realize the fact that only organ that can work at infinite speed is only our 'mind'.

Our physical body has limitations beyond which it won't speed up. Ex: Heart, lungs, kidneys etc can only work at a certain speed. Hence the most important organ of today is our mind. We have to mind our mind. Our research and technological advancements reflect the pace of our mind.

Typical example is in communication and information has broken all frontiers and barriers and thus the whole universe is under our finger tips (electronic village). In short, man think and think, mind takes decision and body executes.

Today's problem is between mind and body. Sufferings, disease and death are due to the lack of our Self knowledge and this lack of awareness of the mind leads to the unbalance in the human body.

Our thoughts are transferred through electric network of brain and have a speed of around 300,000 km per second to produce various chemicals and hormones in body to execute millions of chemical reactions and control function of organs and body.

We know that millions of chemical reactions in our body have to be closely monitored and executed to have a synchronized and smooth working of various organs. For all these we have to have a strong and healthy mind. This can be found only in a strong and a healthy body.

We have a health assessment - combination of Nutritional and mental assessment. Here we identify the hidden potential. Find the ways to improve the memory, leadership training, awareness of health, counseling etc. concluded by a monitoring advice.

Any intervention in a person's body to fight disease or improve well being should be aimed at synchronization of mind and body. To have personalized or customized advice consult our team.